The heart behind Ready.
In this world, working out can seem… worldly. Body image, doing it for the looks, the likes. Doing it to punish your body or punish the way you ate that day… it can be many, many things. But if you’re a Christian, we can NOT have this mindset. We can’t have this extreme way of glorifying ourselves or obsessing over something making it an idol, but we also can’t turn our backs on health and fitness altogether thinking it’s a worldly activity…. Because it’s NOT. As Christians, thankfully we have the answers and the way to do this in a healthy, positive way.
The question we must ask ourselves is… why do we workout? That can be a heavy question when we actually ask ourselves. Who or what is at the center of our “what” or “why?”
So, as that question is in the back of your mind.. here’s the next question — what do you want your body to be fit FOR? What was put on my heart and then reading other commentators on this is when Paul uses this phrase a couple of times… “ready for every good work” (Titus 3:1).
What “every good work” can we be getting ready for?
Here’s just a few…
Being ready as a mom so you can run around with the kids
Being ready as a wife and homemaker by taking care of the home
Being ready for your job by having a healthy body with energy and a clear mind
Being ready when temptations come in different areas because you are a woman of discipline
Being mentally ready for the day
Being ready to be a vessel for Christ. Ready to be a light.
It is insane the amount of wisdom and knowledge that can come from working out—and the discipline it brings to your entire life.
You CAN enjoy fitness and being strong without it feeling worldly. Down the line, when we workout, what is the why? And WHO is in the center of it? I pray that we, myself included, make our “why” because we want to be ready for every good work that glorifies the Lord!
Are you ready? Let’s get ready.
Click Here for more info on the making of Ready.